EDOR CAFFE' - The Roasting Company

Throughtout the entire production process we are constantly striving for one goal: to retain the full aroma of each freshly roasted coffee bean.

With the aid of high technology is it possible to ensure the high quality as well as the multivarious diversity of the various flavour of the coffee.

The raw green coffee beans are carefully selected in the most important coffee-growing areas of the world (Brasil-Central America-India-Africa-Vietnam).

Our high-quality raw beans are roasted according to the desired result, type of bean and country of origin. Then, we mix together to obtain our special coffee blends.

Video of our Production Process


Our Roasting Company 

  • modern coffee machinery
  • research of the best green coffee and complete control of the production process (from roastery to packaging lines). A complete product range to satisfy the needs of all the different channel markets.
  • a full complete quality control of all the different phases of the production according to the highest European standard.
  • a serious and affordable partner ready to supply all your requests.


Throughout the entire production process we are constantly striving for one goal: to retain the full aroma of each freshly roasted coffee bean. Our high-quality raw beans are roasted according to the desired result, type of bean and country of origin. Then, we mix together to obtain our special coffee blends.

Green Coffee Best selection

To process the green coffee "is like painting a picture, the tools help, but what really makes the difference is the heart".

Our coffee blends are produced with the best green coffee quality, selected directly in the country of origin. With our typical roasting process we can obtain the right aroma and taste of Espresso Napoletano

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